The Lovers – VI

Known as Children of the Voice and Oracle of the Mighty Gods, the card of The Lovers is ruled by Gemini which symbolises the journey of the Twins - a motif found in many mythologies through history. Ultimately, it represents the dual nature of love and not just romantic love - it is love born of respect, love between friends, love between parent and child, love between husband and wife, and finally erotic and illicit love. There is a pendulum along each of these types of love that swings from good to ill, and The Lovers is the card that turns up to say that there is a choice to be made as to which of the opposites you will gravitate towards. And so it is balancing one's choices in our relationships which is being highlighted. When we look at the Twins aspect in regard to The Lovers, we can refer to Twin Souls or Twin Flames, finding a Soul Mate or complement to our own Soul. There are theories that abound about a split that occurred at a time when humans had four arms, four legs and two faces. The Gods were worried because these beings were so powerful and threatened to overpower the Gods, so they decided to split each of these beings into two, and here we are, with two legs and two arms and one face. However, legend says, ever since, we have been yearning to find our lost half, and when we feel that we have found our missing half, we are beyond happiness and fulfillment. Traditionally, this card means you are about to make important decisions regarding important relationships in your life. It also means you are challenged by others' notions of what your relationships should be - the opportunity here is to define what a relationship means to you and how you intend to honour that meaning. Of course, by defining your own meaning in regards to relationships you are bound to run into resistance and conflicts because it may not align with what others think is right. There may be an exciting new relationship or the enriching or ending of a current one. Your task is to stay true to your own meaning for your relationships and to honour that - and not to succumb to convention, nor to challenges about your choices. You may find that what you are searching for in relating to others was within you all along. What are you longing for in a relationship that you feel you are lacking in yourself?
"But when two people are at one in their inmost hearts They shatter even the strength of iron or bronze; and when two people understand each other in their inmost hearts their words are sweet and strong like the fragrance of orchids." - I Ching
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