Editor's note: Incorporating at least one yoga pose into your daily routine can work wonders for your overall health and well-being. Yoga is a holistic practice that not only improves physical flexibility and strength but also nurtures mental clarity and emotional balance. Karissa Brandhagen provides these poses weekly for Explore.

Humble Warrior

Baddha Virabhadrasana (Bah-dah vee-rah-baa-draa-suh-nuh)

Benefits: Strengthens the core and activates abdominal muscles, while toning the glutes, hamstrings and legs. Enhances stability, balance and proprioceptive awareness (knowing where your body is in space without having to look). The pose stretches the chest, shoulders, wrists, spine, quadriceps and calves. Additionally, it promotes increased blood circulation and fosters a sense of grounding.

How to: Step the right foot forward and the left foot to the back of the mat at a 45 degree angle. Bend the front knee directly over the ankle. Inhale, clasp the hands with all ten fingers behind the back, lifting the gaze, chest and pinkies toward the sky. Exhale, fold over the front leg; the shoulder may rest on the right thigh or drop to the inside of the knee. Ensure firm grounding through the back foot to evenly distribute weight into all four corners of both feet. Allow the head to be heavy as the crown drops towards the floor, releasing tension from the neck.

To modify: If having difficulty with a 10-finger clasp, place the hands on the mat or on blocks inside the front leg. For those ready to clasp behind the back but needing aid, use a strap in either hand to bridge the gap, opt for opposite elbows behind the back, or press two fists together at the lower to mid-back. To enhance stability, simply widen your stance. If there's discomfort in the ankles or tightness in the calves, raise the back heel or use a rolled-up blanket beneath it for added support.

Important disclaimer

Prior to attempting any new yoga poses or engaging in unfamiliar physical exercises, it is crucial to consult your primary physician. Your well-being and safety are of utmost importance, so listen to your body's signals and avoid pushing yourself beyond your personal limits.

Karissa Brandhagen and/or the Yakima Herald-Republic cannot be held responsible for any injuries that may occur while practicing yoga poses without the guidance of a trained professional. Seek the expertise of a qualified instructor to ensure proper technique and reduce the risk of injuries. Take care and practice mindfully.

• Karissa Brandhagen's active journey has spanned a lifetime, encompassing competitive dancing in grade school, professional cheerleading and now as the owner and leader of Renu Hot Yoga studio for the past four years. Through her expertise, she offers accessible ways to embrace movement and foster health and wellness for everyone.

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