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The World Tarot
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The World Tarot Card

The World is the final major arcana card in most traditional tarot decks. It is often seen as a representation of completion, fulfillment and answered prayers. The World can represent a period of great achievement and success in your life. This card can also indicate that you are ready to move on to a new phase.

The World Tarot

21 THE WORLD—Completion, accomplishment, assured success, route, voyage, emigration, flight, change of place.

You have come full circle and have completed what you have been working towards. It is now time to reap the rewards. All elements are coming together into something beautiful.

The World represents an ending to an old cycle of life. A pause before the next big cycle begins. It is an indicator of major changes to come.

  • Zodiac: Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio

  • Astrological: Saturn

  • Element: Earth

  • Chakra: Root

  • Yes or No: Yes. A Fresh Start

The World is the final major arcana card in most traditional tarot decks. It is often seen as a representation of completion, fulfillment and answered prayers. The World can represent a period of great achievement and success in your life. This card can also indicate that you are ready to move on to a new phase. The World suggests that you are comfortable with who you are and where you are in life. You have acquired knowledge and wisdom through your experiences. The World can also be a warning to not get too comfortable, complacency can lead to stagnation. The World is a reminder to stay open to new experiences and growth.

The World Daily Tarot Card

When you draw this card you can know the world is at your feet. You're on the right path and about to achieve your goals.

You can experience an overwhelming sense of empowerment and confidence that assures you that the entire world lies within the grasp of your fingertips. You are firmly planted on the path that leads you directly towards the attainment of your long-cherished aspirations and dreams. It serves as a gentle reminder that the universe is aligning perfectly in your favor, propelling you forward towards the triumphant realization of your goals and ambitions. Embrace the fortitude and conviction that courses through your veins, for with this newfound clarity, you are poised to conquer any obstacle that may stand in your way.

The World Tarot Card for Love and Relationships

In the realm of emotional connections, this card symbolizes the completion of a journey and a sense of fulfillment. It signifies the attainment of one's desires, indicating that love and relationships have reached a state of harmony and balance. With the World Tarot, you can expect a deep sense of unity and understanding within your romantic partnerships, fostering a strong and nurturing bond. This card encourages you to embrace the transformative power of love, allowing it to expand your horizons and bring a sense of wholeness to your heart. Trust that with the World Tarot as your guide, your love life will flourish, and you will experience a profound connection that transcends all boundaries.

The World Tarot for Career

The World Tarot card symbolizes ultimate fulfillment and success in these areas, suggesting that you have reached a point where you have accomplished your goals and are experiencing a sense of completion. This card reminds you that your hard work and dedication have paid off, bringing you to a state of abundance and prosperity. It encourages you to celebrate your achievements and recognize your own potential. The World Tarot card serves as a reminder that with the right focus and perseverance, you can overcome any challenges that come your way in your professional and financial endeavors. Embrace the energy of this card and continue to strive for excellence, knowing that the possibilities for growth and success are endless.

The World Tarot Card in Reverse:

The World Tarot Card

A lack of vision, ending in failure, disappointment, imperfection.

The World Tarot Card in the reversed position signifies a sense of lacking vision, which can ultimately lead to failure, disappointment, and a feeling of imperfection. It serves as a powerful reminder that without a clear direction or purpose, our endeavors may not reach fruition as we had hoped. This lack of vision can manifest in various aspects of our lives, whether it be in our personal relationships, career choices, or creative pursuits. It serves as a cautionary message to take a step back, reassess our goals, and rediscover our sense of purpose in order to avoid the potential pitfalls that lie ahead. In this state of reversal, the World card emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and finding the clarity we need to navigate through life's challenges.

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