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The Sun Tarot
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The Sun Tarot Card

The Sun’s appearance in a reading can also be a sign that you need to embrace your inner child and enjoy life more. This is a time to be playful and optimistic. Trust that things are working out in your favor and let your positive attitude shine through.

The Sun Tarot

19 THE SUN—Success, vitality, youth. Material happiness, fortunate marriage and contentment.

You are a light. Allowing others to see the beauty and radiant energy that exists. As you shine this light on the world your radiance attracts more success.

The Sun Tarot card indicates good fortune is on it's way. Expect happiness, joy and harmony. It represents the universe coming together and agreeing with your path and aiding forward movement into something greater.

  • Zodiac: Leo

  • Astrological: The Sun

  • Element: Fire

  • Chakra: Solar Plexus

  • Yes or No: Yes. Joy and Happiness

The Sun Tarot is a powerful and radiant symbol of positivity, illumination, and vitality.

It’s one of the most positive and uplifting cards in the tarot deck. It represents new beginnings, happiness, and success. This card can indicate that you are about to experience a period of good luck and fortune. If you have been going through a tough time, the Sun card can signify that better days are on the horizon. It is a great card to see if you are starting a new business, embarking on a new relationship, or expecting a baby. This card is a reminder that anything is possible and that you have the power to create your own reality.

The Sun Daily Tarot Card

The Sun Tarot Card

The Sun’s appearance in a reading can also be a sign that you need to embrace your inner child and enjoy life more. This is a time to be playful and optimistic. Trust that things are working out in your favor and let your positive attitude shine through.

It serves as a reminder to embrace the warmth and joy that life has to offer. With its vibrant energy, this card encourages us to bask in the golden light of self-confidence and self-expression. It signifies a period of success and achievement, where our inner light shines brightly for all to see. By harnessing the energy of The Sun, we can experience a renewed sense of optimism and a deep connection to our own inner power. Let this card be a guiding light on our journey, reminding us to embrace life's happiness and radiate that light to others.

The Sun In Love

"The Sun In Love" represents basking in the warmth of affection and the joyous expansion of the heart. This card illustrates an incredible bond filled with radiance, where love flows freely like streams of golden light. It signifies the connection that illuminates our souls, igniting a profound sense of happiness and contentment within the confines of a loving relationship. The Sun's rays of passion and energy blend harmoniously with the tender emotions of love, creating a resplendent tapestry that warms the deepest corners of our beings. It reminds us that love, like the sun, has the power to uplift, heal, and nourish us, filling our lives with an abundance of happiness and vitality. It promises endless days of affectionate moments, with unwavering devotion and a blissful radiance that knows no bounds.

The Sun in Career

The Sun in Career signifies a time of abundance, success, and recognition in your professional life. It symbolizes the full power of your skills and talents, radiating a bright light that attracts opportunities and positive outcomes. This card encourages you to embrace your true passion, to pursue your career with enthusiasm and confidence. With the Sun shining upon your professional endeavors, you can expect promotion, rewards, and a sense of fulfillment. Let your light shine, and watch as your career path becomes illuminated with endless possibilities. Embrace this radiant energy and use it to manifest your dreams and aspirations in the realm of work. Trust that with perseverance and a positive attitude, your professional journey will be filled with joy and accomplishment. Remember, even on cloudy days, the Sun always finds a way to shine through, reminding you that brighter days are ahead on your career path.

The Sun Tarot Card Reversed:

The Sun Tarot Card

Failure, ageing, loneliness, bad fortune, unhappiness, break-ups, distress.

The Sun tarot card reversed symbolizes a temporary setback or a period of uncertainty. While the upright Sun card radiates warmth, positivity, and life, its reversal introduces a clouded perspective. The reversal may suggest a lack of clarity or potential obstacles blocking the path to success and happiness. It serves as a reminder to remain patient and to focus on finding inner strength during this challenging period. The Sun card reversed urges us to examine our beliefs, reassess our goals, and find alternative routes to achieve our desires. It is a call to lean into our resilience and use this time as an opportunity for growth and self-reflection, knowing that eventually, the clouds will part and the sun will shine again.

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