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The Hanged Man Tarot
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The Hanged Man Tarot Card

The Hanged Man Tarot card shows a man suspended upside down in the Rider Waite Tarot deck. It indicates a period of waiting or surrendering to your circumstances. Gaining a fresh perspective. Suspending action may be the best course of action to take.

The Hanged Man

12 THE HANGED MAN—Wisdom, trials, circumspection, discernment, sacrifice, intuition, divination, prophecy.

You are suspended in time.

This card suggests you need to suspend certain actions. Surrender is required now. You are in a period of indecision. Waiting might be what you need to do in order to achieve success. Wait for the proper opportunity. You may be embarking on a new spiritual journey. Let things be and allow the universe to do its work. Stillness grants perspective.

  • Astrological: Neptune

  • Zodiac: Pisces

  • Element: Water

  • Chakra: Third Eye

  • Yes or No: Yes. Surrender to the process

This card can represent many things, but most often it suggests that you need to take a step back and reassess your current situation. You may be feeling stuck or like you're at a crossroads. This is a time to be introspective and to consider all your options very carefully. It's also a time to be patient. Depicting a figure suspended by one leg, the card represents surrender, sacrifice, and a shift in perspective. Let go and accept your situation to gain enlightenment.

The Hanged man in the Rider Waite Tarot deck, shows a figure suspended upside down from a tree.

He does not appear in distress, but has surrendered himself to his predicament. This card suggests that taking action is not always the best solution, and in certain cases refraining from doing so might bring you just as much, if not more benefits.

The inverted position suggests a reversal of conventional thinking and a willingness to embrace alternative viewpoints. The halo around the figure's head signifies divine wisdom and spiritual awakening, while the tranquil expression reflects acceptance and inner peace amidst uncertainty. Overall, the Hanged Man symbolizes the transformative power of surrender and the profound wisdom gained through sacrifice and introspection.

The Hanged Man suggests that the answer you're seeking will come in due time. This card can also represent a period of self-sacrifice. You may be giving up something important to you in order to achieve a greater goal. It’s a call to slow down, be introspective, and consider all your options before making any decisions.

The Hanged Man in a Love Reading

In a love reading, The Hanged Man signifies the need for a shift in perspective and patience when it comes to romantic relationships. It suggests that sacrifice and letting go of control may be necessary to find inner peace and harmony in love. This card reminds us to look at love from a different angle, to release any expectations or attachments, and to trust in the divine timing of relationships.

The Hanged Man encourages us to embrace stillness and surrender, knowing that sometimes the greatest growth and transformation occur when we release our grip on what we think we want in love. So, if you find yourself in a love reading with The Hanged Man, take it as a gentle reminder that in matters of the heart, patience and flexibility can lead to profound breakthroughs and spiritual growth.

The Hanged Man For Career

The Hanged Man, one of the most intriguing cards in the tarot deck, holds special significance when it comes to career choices. This enigmatic card encourages us to pause and reflect on the conventional notions of success and societal expectations. It urges us to let go of the familiar and venture into uncharted territory, embracing a fresh perspective that can lead to unexpected breakthroughs.

In the realm of careers, the Hanged Man prompts us to reevaluate our goals and priorities, encouraging us to take a step back and gain a new understanding of our professional path. By suspending our old ways of thinking and embracing a more innovative approach, the Hanged Man teaches us that sometimes success can be found in the most unconventional of places.

The Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning Reversed:

The Hanged Man Tarot Card

False prophecy, impatience, unwillingness, lack of perspective, foolishness.

The Hanged Man tarot card in the reversed position showcases a significant shift in the meaning it holds. While its upright counterpart represents surrender, letting go, and gaining new perspectives, the reversed Hanged Man suggests resistance and stagnation. It symbolizes a time when you feel trapped, clinging to old patterns and ideas that no longer serve you. Instead of embracing change and growth, you may find yourself resisting the necessary transformations in your life.

The hanged man reversed urges you to examine what holds you back and find the courage to release it, allowing yourself to flow with the tides of life rather than fighting against them. It serves as a reminder to be open-minded and adaptable, for only then can you break free from the repetitive cycles and find your true path forward.

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