The Moon tarot card is number 18 in the deck, part of the ‘power card’ section, the major arcana. These cards are game changers, representing unseen forces at play in our lives. Destiny taking a part in our future. Icons of the tarot.

The moon tarot card description

The Moon can never be revealed in its entirety to us, here on Earth - part of it will always be in shadow. That’s a fair analogy for the theme of this card: secrecy, hidden knowledge, illusion, unknown entities. We can never know it all. This card asks you to turn detective. To pause any major decisions or actions and do more digging because important, game-changing information is yet to be revealed. Probe, research, look beyond the façade, question, analyse.

The Moon has strong feminine energy and, on the flipside of probing and questioning, also reminds us that a little bit of enigmatic or hidden magic is no bad thing. We all possess a public, private, and secret side. We all keep our secret side close to our chest and maybe that’s for the best. Don’t work too hard to strip back all of the layers. Just enough so you can see what you need to right now.

What does the moon tarot card represent?

The Moon represents mutable Pisces, the Water element and the mystical planet of Neptune. All Pisceans should keep a copy of this card close by and use it for meditations into their true nature or hidden mysteries. Neptune’s influence is a reminder that not everything is as it seems, not only because we all present facades and fronts, but also because everything is always in flux, shifting in response to everything else. Getting a grip on the truth, or reality, or yourself can be tough and, sometimes, it’s better to let it all unfold and go with the flow.

the moon tarot card meaning
Petchjira//Getty Images

What does the moon tarot card look like?

Visually (in the Rider Waite deck), The Moon shows a full moon in the sky, positioned between two large towers. In the foreground is a small pool, representing the unconscious and dreams. A small crayfish crawls out of the pool, symbolising the emergence of consciousness. A dog and a wolf in a field are howling at the moon, they symbolise both the wild and tame parts of our ego and psyche.

If you pull The Moon reversed then there is likely to be some of (usually self imposed) blockage to your enlightenment or connection with your intuition and subconscious. Perhaps fear or anxiety prevent you from wanting to know the full truth. Perhaps you are suppressing aspects of yourself. It’s time to work through these obstacles and let whatever lies beneath come forth and illuminate you.

5 ways you can use the moon tarot card

  • Use it as a guided meditation tool. Place the card next to you as you relax. Ask yourself to reveal what lies on your own mind’s dark side of the moon. Look at the card’s image and let your mind drift. Let your gaze soften or your eyes close and sit in peace for a few minutes. Let whatever is there emerge…
  • Write a letter to yourself from The Moon tarot card listing all of the unanswered questions or unfinished business you feel there is swirling around you. Give yourself until the next Full Moon to get these items ticked off and dealt with.
  • Place the card as a signifier in the centre of any spreads you create about secrets, lies, unanswered questions, or mysteries. Let The Moon empower your reading.
  • Pair with a white or clear crystal (you can’t go wrong with clear quartz) and create a manifesting altar for something you wish to learn, know, get to the bottom of. Write your request on a piece of paper and place with the card and crystal. Use other tokens or candles or significant items relevant to your quest. Ask to be given guidance in finding the answers you need. Leave your altar standing until you have cracked the case!
  • If you are a Pisces, consider getting a print of The Moon someplace in your bedroom or dressing area, to remind you every day of your powers!

FULL MOON tarot reading by Tarotbella - with Good Karma tarot deck creator, online tarot reading via email/pdf

FULL MOON tarot reading by Tarotbella - with Good Karma tarot deck creator, online tarot reading via email/pdf

FULL MOON tarot reading by Tarotbella - with Good Karma tarot deck creator, online tarot reading via email/pdf

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