How to setup VSCode so intellisense isn't garbage?

Does anyone have a clue how to make the intellisense actually useful in VSCode for verse?

These suggestions are completely nonsensical and it doesn’t even suggest the correct things at all. Yet somehow when I ctrl click some of the verse class names, it automatically goes to the correct place in the other files. So clearly it knows they exist and where they are, but not that it’s something it should suggest for intellisense.

Coding anything without intellisense just feels like a massive waste of time, in C#, Unity and UE4, I’ve always had them easily viewable with rider, so I never had to go search any methods or properties, I could just do ctrl + space and browse them at my leisure.


sonictke already mentioned it, Epic is aware of this problem, we’re gonna have to wait :frowning_face:

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So if you are wondering on how do you remove the suggestion feature then, all you have to do is go to settings and look up suggestions and click on it and once you are in it, you should see quick suggestions at the top of a box and you should see others, comments, and strings and you should see a pencil icon next to all of these words but, all you have to do is click on the pencil icon that is next to the others word and change from on to off and click ok and now, the quick suggestions feature has been turned off.

Hi all. As you’ve noticed, the LSP isn’t great at the moment in a variety of cases, and unfortunately we have a bunch of problems to work out here. Navigating to the definition of a defined identifier is a different problem from trying to figure out the context surrounding your cursor position in a snippet, unfortunately, and the latter needs quite a bit of work.

We are considering changing the behaviour of the LSP in the short term to only show suggestions which would be accurate, which would help reduce the noise, but also drastically reduce the times when auto-complete would be available at all. We have more work planned as well to improve some other plumbing we need in order to make this function better (including when you don’t have valid Verse code typed out in the first place) and also support other LSP features.

Looking forward to the updates. ::

I wonder will Epic consider give Verse AI support?
Something like what Roblox is doing with generating Lua scripts from natural language.

I’m new to Verse, code completion would be a massive help for me

it’s almost a year since this was raised, are we any closer to it being fixed?

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