Set between Episode II and III the Clone Wars is the first computer animated Star Wars film. Anakin and Obi Wan must find out who kidnapped Jabba the Hutts son ...
Clone trooper Tup is suffering from a severe neurological disorder that causes the death of a Jedi master. Trying to find the motives for the assassination, ...
Colonel Gascon and the five droids of D-Squad have arrived at the remote town of Pons Ora on the planet Abafar and find a clone commando suffering from amnesia.
The series was launched with an animated feature film, which was released in theaters on August 15, 2008. Season 2 ended on April 30, 2010. Season 3 premiered ...
Anakin must find the missing R2-D2 before the Separatists discover the Jedi military secrets locked in his memory banks. Movie rating: 6.6 / 10 (4526). Directed ...
Movie details. imdb Ahsoka and Master Luminara escort captured Nute Gunray to trial, unaware that Count Dooku has dispatched his deadly apprentice Asajj ...
General Grievous must prove himself worthy of the Separatists when Count Dooku leads Kit Fisto and his former Padawan to Grievous' villainous enclave. Movie ...
Mace Windu and his clone troopers aim to liberate the Ryloth capitol of Lessu but needs to acquire the help of a Twi'lek resistance group led by Cham Syndulla ...
Padme travels to Rodia to meet with old family friend Onaconda Farr about the lack of food rations. Unfortunately Farr has just made a deal with the Separatists ...
As the six younglings prepare to construct their lightsabers, their training vessel Crucible is attacked by Hondo Ohnaka and his pirates. Movie rating: 7.7 / 10 ...