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inauthor: London univ, univ. coll s
... collection of p m member^, of the faei r :t cf'eee lio\\ or Palmer l:hrnt ... college frnrn li'-O to 1015 lien1 as a snnp-book by Miss El./a- be. a wr'rht ... London ^o..i ,, in two volumes Wl.,,c Connpctlcut college docs not yet ...
inauthor: London univ, univ. coll s
... London: A. F. Bird. It is a stock argument that racing improves the breed of ... University of Jena, the seat ot learning associated with such such men men ... call it what vou will— cannot be iutcrpretated on a sense or material ...
inauthor: London univ, univ. coll s
... University of ihe Cilv of New York. FIRST CREEK LESSONS. by-Thomas Kerchever Arnold. M. I)., Rector of Lyndon, and late Fellow of Trinity College. Cambridge, re arranged and caretuliy corrected by J. A. Spencer, A. JL— From the th.rd London ...
inauthor: London univ, univ. coll s
... London, British Columbia, Tokyo, western Massachusetts and New York. A graduate of Williams College, he has held fellowships from Princeton and Syracuse Universities ... In Author Series Library Services & Construction Act grant.
inauthor: London univ, univ. coll s
... cool by a copper jacket through which water is kept, circulating. It tnkes ... University, Viscount Cave. The window to AVrcn has been appropriately ... London "Daily Telegraph." Among them were:— Mr. Gladstone (in the House): It ...
inauthor: London univ, univ. coll s
... Coll. -HP ftjrruii'd wi'h tlu t'nlvernly of Toronto, and movriltoT.<rnnio. University In Ji'ttl. Victoria Culleiie confi-rrptl tlio first denrce In Arts ever conferred In Upper Cnnida. III,; ,., UlO Tni .Mn" & Kmr Mm ipi Ins of !•:< ?ii > ...
inauthor: London univ, univ. coll s
... call 749- 1528 or 842-0142. SAVE $3,300 1983 14 X 80. full house Insulation ... UNIVERSITY LINC-MERC 814 Iowa 843-0000 FINE QUALITY auto body end ... London barrister is hirod lo dolond a haploss young American accused ol ...
inauthor: London univ, univ. coll s
... (London : Ward, Lock 4 Cot,) ^ Tke Common Loi. By, i Adeline B* oiidpn ... collection of recipes and means. It is a work which first appeared in book ... in author outlin :s the xuual arguments in furonr ! of the belief, while the ...
inauthor: London univ, univ. coll s
... University, lie has done post-graduate work In economics and sociology and received an honorary doctor of laws decrees from Atlanta In 1943. In 1048, he became the first recipient of the Sir James Jean Award, given by the New London ...
inauthor: London univ, univ. coll s
... university. Professor Hugo Muensterberg, Harvard . university, Professor ... college professors and' Dr. William Bayaid Hale, to a pamphlet entitled "Gei ... London Times, as stated today before the senate committee investigating ...