inauthor: London univ, univ. coll s
... Universities and Colleges- Sydney University , St. Paul's College , Calendar , 1859 MG 2 U 35 Tokyo Imperial ... London , Calendar 378.42 Lake Forest University , Catalogue 378.773 378.794 Liber Admissionum Seckford Grammar ...
inauthor: London univ, univ. coll s
... Coll . , Lexington , Ky . , 1906-07 ; connected with sum- mer mus ... univ . prof .; b . N. 96 , and Newark , N.J. , 1899- . Editor Alfred U ... ( London ) . Address : 83 Jefferson Av . , Maplewood , Geometry . Republican ...
inauthor: London univ, univ. coll s
... Universities and Colleges— Caisson Disease ; by Dr. A. H. Smith - in System ... University , Calendar 378.944 378.944 Babbage's Calculating Engines ... London , Calendar 378.42 Lake Forest University , Catalogue 378.773 378.794 ...
inauthor: London univ, univ. coll s
... University College , London . Crown 8vo . 78. 6d . Also , SOLUTIONS of PROBLEMS in Author . Crown 8vo sewed , price 6d . DESCRIPTIVE ASTRONOMY . the Inner Temple , Barrister - at - Law . 8vo . 21s . Chemistry for Students . ' By the ...
inauthor: London univ, univ. coll s
... University , Catalogue Leland Stanford Junior University , Register . 378.773 378.794 Liber Admissionum Seckford Grammar School at Woodbridge , Suffolk Crisp , F. A. K 20 S 19 + London University , Calendar 378.421 London University ...
inauthor: London univ, univ. coll s
... School Board in Technical Education . Born Weymouth , Dorset , Eng- land , Oct. 15 , 1873 , son of Albert and Eliza- Educated : Weymouth beth ( Pegg ) ( Voss . B.Sc. College ; London University ( Int . Birkbeck Col- ( Hons . ) , 1895 ) ...
inauthor: London univ, univ. coll s
... Coll . Oxford ; Principal of Airedale Coll . 1877-1886 ; Chair- man of ... Univ . of Michigan ; author of ' Municipal Government . ' ( J. A. FA . ) FARMER , John Bretland , M.A. , F.R.S .; Professor of ... University College, London.
inauthor: London univ, univ. coll s
... University , Calendar E Birmingham University , ham Unive Amherst College ... London , Calendar . Lake Forest University , Catalogue Leland Stanford ... Univ . 378-73 [ See also Education - Universities and Colleges ; University ...
inauthor: London univ, univ. coll s
... University College , London . Crown 8vo . 78. 6d . Also , SOLUTIONS of PROBLEMS in ' Author . Crown 8vo . sewed , price 6d . DESCRIPTIVE ASTRONOMY . the Inner Temple , Barrister - at - Law . 8vo . 218 . NEW VOLUME OF THE CLARENDON PRESS ...
inauthor: London univ, univ. coll s
... In author's possession . 42 American Association of University Professors ( AAUP ) , " The Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession , 2021-22 . " 43 Guy Standing , The Precariat : The New Dangerous Class ( London ...