John Craig (1663 – 11 October 1731) was a Scottish mathematician and theologian. John Craig. Born, 1663. Hoddam, Dumfries, Scotland. Died, 11 October 1731.
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John Craig (17 August 1709–22 April 1774), Presbyterian minister, was born in Donegore Parish, County Antrim, Ireland.
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Dr. Craig's association with Netter dates back to 1972 when he worked as an ophthalmic illustrator at Baylor College of Medicine from 1972-1983.
I am currently working on a study of the politics of reading in the English parish, 1536-1642. Although early modern English social and cultural historians ...
John Craig (1) (1921–1982). Author of No Word for Good Bye. For other authors named John Craig, see the disambiguation page.
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John Craig was a Scottish mathematician who published three important textbooks. Thumbnail of John Craig View one larger picture. Biography. John Craig's father ...
Looking for books by John Craig? See all books authored by John Craig, including The Wormburners, and Visual Basic 2005 Cookbook: Solutions for VB 2005 ...
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Reputations in Canadian literature being what they are, John draig (1921-82) is an unjustly neglected writer. By this I mean that when Hugh Maclennan,.