Jacques Nicolas Augustin Thierry (10 May 1795 – 22 May 1856; also known as Augustin Thierry) was a French historian.
1. sij 2025. · Augustin Thierry (born 1795—died 1856) was a French historian whose discursive method of presenting history in picturesque and dramatic terms ...
Jacques Nicolas Augustin Thierry bio je francuski povjesnièar. Iako je izvorno bio sljedbenik Henrija de Saint-Simona, kasnije je razvio vlastiti pristup povijesti. Opredijeljeni liberal, njegov pristup povijesti èesto je uvodio romantiènu... Wikipedija (engleski)
Roðenje: 10. svibnja 1795., Blois, Francuska
Preminuo: 22. svibnja 1856., Pariz, Francuska
Ureðena djela: Recueil des monuments inédits de l'histoire du Tiers État: Les pieces relatives a l'histoire de la ville d'Amiens, depuis l'an 1057, date de la plus ancienne de ces pièces, jusqu'au XVe siècle, Recueil des monuments inédits de l'histoire du Tiers État: Les pièces relatives à l'histoire municipale de la ville d'Amiens depuis le XVIIe siècle jusqu'en 1789, et à celle des villes, bourgs et villages de l'Amiénois, Rapports au ministre [de l'Instruction publique] i vi¹e
Neæak: Gilbert-Augustin Thierry
Nagrade: Grand prix Gobert
Obrazovanje: École Normale Supérieure
Récits des temps mérovingiens
Histoire de la conquête de l'Angleterre par les Normands
Histoire de la conquête de l'Angleterre par les Normands: de ses causes et de ses suites jusqu'à nos jours, en Angleterre, en Écosse, en Irlande et sur le continent
Lettres sur l'histoire de France
De la reorganización de la sociedad europea
Récits des temps mérovingiens: précédés de considérations sur l'histoire de France
Prika¾i vi¹e
Prika¾i manje
Augustin Thierry (1795-1856) was a classical liberal historian who pioneered the collection, publication, and analysis of primary sources.
For over 40 years full time merchant of genuine antiquarian material, now largely retired. We're currently living real and digital life in the slow lane up ...
Augustin Thierry was a French historian. Although originally a follower of Henri de Saint-Simon, he later developed his own approach to history.
Augustin Thierry (1795-1856) was a classical liberal historian who pioneered the collection, publication, and analysis of primary sources, especially for ...
History of the Conquest of England by the Normans; Its Causes, and Its Consequences, in England, Scotland, Ireland, & on the Continent, Volume 2.
Follow Augustin Thierry and explore their bibliography from Amazon's Augustin Thierry Author Page.
Buy Portrait of Augustin Thierry, French historian by Unknown artist as fine art print. ✓ High-quality museum grade. ✓ Perfect reproduction.
Gilbert-Augustin Thierry (1843-1915), the son of the writer Amédée Thierry and the nephew of the historian Augustin Thierry, was a novelist, poet and journalist ...