... pansion about , but the opposition does not cavil at the statement that he had procured the maximum of authorizations which could have been forced from the present Congress . His record ... pansion of 42 THE AMERICAN REVIEW OF REVIEWS.
... pansion , particularly in life insurance . This growth in the last decade , which may have profound social implications , came chiefly from four sources - government insurance of soldiers , influenza , high wages , and group insurance ...
Mention The Review when you write . HIGHEST PRICED and CHEAPEST BOILERS MADE GIBLIN GREENHOUSE BOILERS CO Bolle ey Bookend GO money and merally TALOGUE PES. pansion tank pipe to the high point of the flow pipe or to one of the return ...
... pansion of the water , there is no direct connection between the pressure and the circulation . So far as the circula- tion is concerned , the benefit from the generator comes from its effect on the boiling point of the water . The hot ...
... pansion of the United States . Moreover , western traffic gave promise of added freight for the little - used railways and canals of Upper and Lower Canada , which embodied a heavy investment both of private and Government capi ...
... pansion members and their families . have visited grocery stores and high - school home economics classes in nearby Enid , Ponca City , Stillwater , and Oklahoma City . There , they handed out lamb samples , lamb recipes , and tips on ...
... pansion in comparison with the ex- pansion of other European countries ; and the attitudes of the Soviet Union toward the balance of the world . Perhaps of most direct interest to the military reader is Philip E. Mose- ley's " Some ...
... pansion of the gases , will it be much more than what I am now getting ? 3 What would be the probable horse power of the alive engine , when at a piston speed of So feet per minute ! • sur 1. If your engine develops 4 horse - wer at 300 ...