A Catalogue of Approved Scientific and Common Names of Plants in American ... LIGUSTRUM . PRIVET acuminatum ( ciliatum ; medium ) See also hort . var ... lucidum ( macrophyllum ) GLOSSY P. LIGUSTRUM ( Hort . var . ) , continued ...
Lavandula, Lantana, Laurus, and other genera Laurence C. Hatch. Ligustrum lucidum ' Davidson Hardy ' ha : somewhat ... Excelsum Superbum ' is exceedingly bright and cheerful as a young plant . It demands to be cut back severely ...
... Scientific Name Ligustrum ( Continued ) lucidum Synonymy Common Name Туре L. japonicum ( OF THE TRADE ) Japanese Privet D var . excelsum superbum var . nobile Chinese Privet PEC D sinense Malpighia coccigera var . High Boy var . Low Boy ...
... Privet D D E Chinese Privet C M. paniculata M ... Common Name Type B Synonymy Atalantia buxifolia Triphasia monophylla T. Scientific Name B - Spreading D - Upright Spread F - Columnar Ligustrum ( Continued ) lucidum var . excelsum superbum ...
... Ligustrum lucidum [ Chinese privet ] type of plant : slightly tender shrub / tree [ 8-11 ] flowering time : late ... common names . A pair of these bracts surrounds each of the true flowers , which are quite small ; in contrast ...
Illustrated with numerous drawings and photographs this book presents a horticultural overview of the main plant families of trees and shrubs from temperate regions that are cultivated in urban and rural landscape schemes.