distal object s
... object representations of a single distal object across sensory modalities so that information about some features can be integrated , but it does not require that all the features associated with the two object representations are ...
distal object s
In Representation and Recognition in Vision, Shimon Edelman bases a comprehensive approach to visual representation on the notion of correspondence between proximal (internal) and distal similarities in objects.
distal object s
... object and change of form ( " state " ) of this object , starting from changes in the optical array . He also ... distal object or not ; ( 3 ) specific perceptual information from the optical transformation at the eye is gained by ...
distal object s
... distal object and the proximal stimulus — say , the environment and the light reflected from it to the eyes - relate equivocally . Stated more strongly , the assumption is that the mapping of distal object prop- erties onto proximal ...
distal object s
... object location may also involve similar motor representations to those used to specify peripersonal space (see also ... distal objects. If the use of proximal demonstratives depends on action-dependent perception of external space ...
distal object s
... distal, the objects perceived. However, things are not that simple. Already in the very opening sentences of Word and Object Quine stated the distal view. He stressed how language learning builds on distal objects, the objects that ...
distal object s
... object properties, recognition of which could be recombined for use in helping to identify a great variety of ... distal properties through multivarious proximal stimulation, but without involvement yet in information storage ...