Fourier s
It is an amusing historical sidelight that this work won a prize from the French Academy, in spite of serious concerns expressed by the judges (Laplace, Lagrange, and Legendre) re garding Fourier's lack of rigor.
Fourier s
This first volume, a three-part introduction to the subject, is intended for students with a beginning knowledge of mathematical analysis who are motivated to discover the ideas that shape Fourier analysis.
Fourier s
The description for this book, Fourier Transforms. (AM-19), Volume 19, will be forthcoming.
Fourier s
"Clearly and attractively written, but without any deviation from rigorous standards of mathematical proof...." Science Progress
Fourier s
This is a full-scale intellectual biography of the French utopian socialist thinker, Chales Fourier (1772 - 1837), one of the great social critics of the nineteenth century.
Fourier s
As a definitive text on Fourier Analysis, Handbook of Fourier Analysis and Its Applications is meant to replace several less comprehensive volumes on the subject, such as Processing of Multifimensional Signals by Alexandre Smirnov, Modern ...
Fourier s
This book discusses the theory and the practice of using Fourier descriptors as a method for measuring the shape of whole, or parts of organisms.
Fourier s
This work addresses all of the major topics in Fourier series, emphasizing the concept of approximate identities and presenting applications, particularly in time series analysis.
Fourier s
From the reviews: "[...] the interested reader will find in Bremaud’s book an invaluable reference because of its coverage, scope and style, as well as of the unified treatment it offers of (signal processing oriented) Fourier and wavelet ...
Fourier s
The object of this book is two-fold -- on the one hand it conveys to mathematical readers a rigorous presentation and exploration of the important applications of analysis leading to numerical calculations.