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Scientists say this sex ‘trick’ can help you live for longer

WE all want to live to a ripe old age and now scientists are saying that there is one sex "trick" that can help you live longer... but it takes a big sacrifice.

By 2030, it's predicted that the average life expectancy is going to rise to the late eighties and there is more and more advice on how to make sure you prolong your life as much as possible.

 Scientists have found that refraining from sex could help you live longer
Scientists have found that refraining from sex could help you live longerCredit: Getty Images

With the health and wellness industry now being worth millions, we're all keen to get into the best shape we can to make sure we live our best lives... and now scientists have come up with another way we can prolong our lives, but it's not ideal if you enjoy sex.

According to studies, giving up sex may well be the secret to living longer. 

Yes, you read that right - science isn't saying more sex is going to make us healthier, but the complete opposite.

Research from the University of Sheffield, as reported in The New Scotsman, found a link between celibacy and living longer.

 Want to live to a grand old age? Scientists think they've found the secret... but if you love sex you probably won't like it
Want to live to a grand old age? Scientists think they've found the secret... but if you love sex you probably won't like itCredit: Getty Images

Supposedly, it's why nuns, priests and "spinsters" often tend to outlive people who have regular sex - although there are a few blatant exceptions.

Dr Michael Siva-Jothey, the leader of the team, said: "Nuns tend to have a longer lifespan than women with children and most people know of someone with a maiden aunt who seems to live forever."

But why?

The scientists used mealworm beetles to carry out their study as they mate every day and die young - while those that avoided mating tended to live for longer.

"The beetles which mate die sooner than the beetles which don’t mate," Dr Siva-Jothey clarified.

 Priests, nuns and "spinsters" often live to an old age... and science thinks it's down to celibacy
Priests, nuns and "spinsters" often live to an old age... and science thinks it's down to celibacyCredit: Alamy

"The mechanism is not the same in humans, but the principle is the same. In beetles, mating released hormones needed to produce sperm in a male or eggs in a female and that had a negative effect on the immune system."

When they mated, the beetles were "downgrading" their immune system and cutting off potential years of their life.

The researchers thought this principle could be applied to other living organisms; including humans.

Another study in the Current Biology journal has backed up this research too, although the theory is even more extreme.

Scientists found that castration had a huge positive affect on Korean men's lifespans.

The research stated that centuries ago eunuchs lived up to 19 years longer than men who engaged in sex.

Scientists reckon this is down to the male hormone testosterone and think it can reduce life expectancy.

Recent research also shows that men should sleep naked to protect their fertility, and a survey showed the things women love men to say to them in bed.


