The Chariot Tarot Meaning


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The Chariot Tarot Card Meaning

The Chariot Major Arcana Tarot card meaning is an interesting one because on the one hand it is quite straightforward- it represents perseverance, endurance, and stamina; on the other hand it is also much deeper and more nuanced than that (as so many of the cards are)! Following on from The Lovers, a card about the choices we make, it brings us on a journey of introspection as to whether the path we are on is aligned, an invitation to check in with the way in which we are going about things, and an opportunity to question whether or not the containers of self-preservation we have created still fit or if we have outgrown them.

Read on below for more significations of The Chariot Tarot card, including its Astrological correspondence and what it means if it shows up for you as a reversal, in a general, love, or career reading, and more:


The Chariot Tarot Card Meanings

The Chariot is a card of grit, hard work, and defence. As the final card of line 1 of the Major Arcana, it is an important pivot point and closure of a mini cycle. In the first line of the Major Arcana (from The Magician to The Chariot), we are finding our feet, encountering fundamental archetypal figures within ourselves and others, building the juice of the matter. In this, we can see that we have come a long way, and have almost achieved our uphill battle to some extent, the first respite is in sight; but we are still only a third of the way through the whole cycle.

For this reason, The Chariot can also be seen as the lesson of learning how to rest rather than quit. It can be an invitation to check in with all that we have accomplished, and ensure that we are still in alignment with it. We can see in the card on the figure in the Smith Rider Waite Tarot deck that the chariot itself appears to be made out of stone, is this best type of vehicle for longterm movement? (In some Tarot cards and Tarot decks, the symbolism may be slightly different, such as the Thoth, but many of the significations are similar).

It’s called “The Chariot” and not The Charioteer, an important distinction to make. This is not about questioning whether we ourselves are efficient but whether the methodology we are using is. As a card of Cancer, the crab, it asks us to analyse our container, have we outgrown our shell and box of protection?

The figure is also wearing a crowned star and under a cloak of stars, there is a connection to a higher self and sense of celestial enlightenment. They also have two crescent Moons on their armour and are in front of a body of water, this ties in elements of intuition, emotion, and creativity. They hold a wand or baton, symbolising the will and leadership; but the two sphinxes are in different colours and pointing in opposite directions. In this, we can see the opportunity to check in with ourselves and ensure that we are fully on track.


Numerologically, the number 7 is about spirituality and growth. In this we can see that the path may be long and winding, but we have what it takes to get there. This also connects it to all the 7s in the Minor Arcana. Overall an upright Chariot card is a very supportive card of encouragement and a reminder that through self-control and discipline (with the harmonisation of the heart), we can achieve success. It is about overcoming obstacles and taking action, while aligning any opposing forces and taking control, as shown in the sphinx facing different directions.

Astrologically, it corresponds to the Zodiac Sign of Cancer, the matriarch. As a Cardinal Water Sign, Cancer knows how to lead with feeling, how to initiate change in a heart-centric way. It underlines the necessity of ensuring the body and emotions are honoured and embodied, and the need for both comfort, security, and protection; as well as the need to change shell when we’ve grown out of it. This also ties it into the Moon, ruler of Cancer, the luminary that governs our inner world, intuition, nurturance, and body.

This can act as a reminder to check in with our boundaries, are they strong enough or so impenetrable that nothing can get in? Do we need to soften our tough exterior shells and let the tenderness show? How is our nourishment going along this pilgrimage we are on? What does the body say about all of it?

The Chariot Reversed

A reversed Chariot Tarot card can be a resistance to continuing with someone, a sense of wanting to give up. In this, we have the chance to check in with ourselves for what would be in our highest alignment- is it better to stop and rest, or should we push through and continue? There is no right or wrong answer, simply what is best for us in the moment and for our longterm outcome.

It can also point to a resistance in looking at something openly and honestly that we have outgrown. Perhaps there is a dynamic, way of being, or habit that we are used to operating in but that now no longer serves us.

Sometimes it can be a message that we feel like giving up on something but are being invited to persevere and resist! As with all placements, which it is will depend on your intuition in the moment, the surrounding cards and spread, the question being asked and the context.

The Chariot in a General Reading

In general, when we receive The Chariot in a reading we are being supported along our path and reminded that we have what it takes to carry on. We may be closer to the finish line than we think. It is a message of success, victory, and willpower. It can also be an invitation to check in with the body and emotions to see if there is anything that needs tending to along the way.

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The Chariot in a Love Reading

In a love reading, depending on the situation, The Chariot can represent an invitation to endure, to put in more effort, and to continue along our current path. It can be a gentle reminder to ensure that this is the path we actually want to be on and that the way in which we are going about it is as effective as we’d like it to be (do we need to switch out chariots)?

The Chariot in a Career Reading

In a career reading, again depending on context and where in the Tarot spread it has fallen, The Chariot can symbolise a strong work ethic, a supportive reassurance that we have what it takes and are doing better than we may think we are. It can be a reminder to keep on leading from the heart and ensuring our goals are aligned. If there is an obstacle, it is a message that we might be close to a resolution and a time for focus on the path ahead.

When The Chariot shows up for us, we can ask ourselves if we are journeying up the right hill, and if the effort it is costing us is worth it. We can look to where there is an area for balance in life, reflected in the black and white sphinx, a reminder to stay in the grey; and if we need to restock for fuel along the way. Overall it is usually a positive reinforcing card that we have the stamina and a message to keep on moving forward.


So those are some of the main significations of The Chariot Tarot card and what it can mean for you if it shows up as a reversal and in a career, general, and love reading. Let me know if you have any questions or anything else to add in the comments section below!

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