Meanings of The Star Tarot Card


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The Star Tarot Card Meanings

The Star Major Arcana card comes to us as a beautiful moment of rest, respite, and hope, especially post-Tower moment. It is a symbol of faith and trust in the process, reminding us that life is cyclical and non-linear, and along the way there are little pockets of regeneration such as this one.

Read on for more meanings of The Star Tarot card, including its upright meanings, as a reversal, and in a general, career, and love reading:


Star Tarot Card Meaning

The Star Major Arcana Tarot card is a sweet and gentle invitation to lean into what fills our cups up and take the time to reset, however long that may take. It acts as a beacon of light, a message that there is always guidance along our path to be found, and for now our task is to pause and re-centre ourselves.

In the Smith Rider Waite Tarot deck version, a nude figure kneels down pouring water back into a stream and onto the land. In their nudity they are pure and unfiltered, unashamed of their bodily needs and engaging in the circular practice of give and receive. They know that within them is an infinite wellspring from which to draw upon, more than enough to share, and in doing so, they are showing themselves and the Universe that they are deeply abundant.

In the distance, an Ibis sits on a tree, symbol of hope.

The Star card often comes as a welcome card after the storm of The Tower Tarot card when we may have experienced a cataclysmic moment and are feeling battle-worn and tender. It is a reminder that we must take the time to fill our souls and a symbol of hope for a moment of rejuvenation. The Star is the embodiment of the notion that we are souls having a human experience, and rest is a part of the process.

Here in this soft space to land, we gather our reserves of strength, lay down our achy bodies, and allow ourselves the vulnerability to dare to believe, to trust that things will work out for the best in the end, that it is all a part of our journey and process.

Just for a moment, swim in the blissful waters of The Star, let your worries dissolve and melt away- what would it feel like to know that all is well as is?

Astrologically, this card is said to correspond to Aquarius, the alternative of the Zodiac that plays by their own rules with an eye on the collective. Classically ruled by Saturn, they build visions for the future based on the foundations of the past- you have to know the rules before you can break them. In this, I am reminded of Aquarius’ innate need for independence, freedom, solitude, and authenticity. If something is unaligned for it, it simply won’t stand. Archetypal Aquarius is not afraid to march to the beat of its own drum and tend to its needs. In this, it also look to the renewal of the community, in dead of winter during Aquarius season when Western Astrology was begin developed, we could only make it through together.

This is also a reminder that community care is personal care, and vice versa. Ancestral patterns are broken when we allow ourselves to joyously rest, guilt-free, and revel in the simple, sweet pleasures of life and the body. To allow our vessels to fill up before pouring from them.

Mental, emotional, and spiritual health are all intertwined after all.

Numerolgically, The Star, number 17, reduces to 8, connecting it to the Strength card. In this we are reminded that there is strength in vulnerability, that the hardest things are often the ones that require us to be most open, to bare our naked selves. It is also a reminder that we are always stronger than we may sometimes think, and that sometimes the most difficult thing to do is precisely to stop, rest, and have hope. To allow ourselves to be soft.

Strength connecting to The Star is a message to me that it is not foolish to have hope, indeed it takes great courage to look life (and The Tower) in the face and still persevere with our sense of faith.

In this, The Star upright can also be quite a spiritual card, an invitation to call upon our guides and our inner light. The one central star surrounded by the 7 smaller stars in the Pamela Colman Smith version remind me that hope can be made up of many things, our life raft and support anchors are a web. We can have one big guiding light, our True North, and several smaller shining stars to assist in leading the way. We may need to take a sip from these waters when we encounter The Moon.


Star Reversed Meaning

When The Star shows up for us reversed it can be an even stronger invitation to lean into rest, to not resist slowing down and sensing into the body. A reversed Star is a message to not give up or lose your sense of hope, to engage in the magic and the mundane that helps bring this spark back to life for you.

The Star in a Love Reading

In a love Tarot reading an upright Star is generally a sweet message of renewal and regeneration, of someone being a support and feeling like home. A breath of fresh air. If it comes to us in a moment of challenge, it is an invitation to hold onto hope.

Of course, in all Tarot readings the actual signification is wholly dependent on your intuition on the moment (don’t second-guess yourself, your first impulse is correct!), the cards surrounding it and where in the spread it has fallen, as well as the question and nature of the context and querent involved (if any).

The Star in a Career Reading

In a career reading The Star can be a symbol of faith that things are aligned and that there is cause for hope and optimism. It is an invitation to lean into trust in your work and calling, to draw upon your well of inspiration and allow it to guide you. It can also be a message to take a moment to rest and enjoy where you’re at, to put down striving and over-working, and allow your body to recharge.

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So those are some of the meanings of The Star, I hope they’re insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

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