How to cook the best pork joint and roast beef for Christmas dinner

Crisp crackling made easy, plus the best cut of roast beef with all the trimmings

Roast loin of pork and roast sirloin of beef
Roast loin of pork and roast sirloin of beef
The Times

A roast loin with crisp crackling skin – the prospect conjures such a pleasing image. It can be an art to get the skin crisp and crunchy without the meat getting too tough. There is less dogma around the serving of roast pork loin than with other roasts, but the traditional tracklements are no bad choice: a bowl of apple sauce, a loaf tin of sage and onion stuffing, potatoes of your choosing and some sweet braised red cabbage.

Serves 6
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 2 hours, plus 20 minutes’ resting

1 pork loin, about 2kg
1-2 tsp rapeseed oil
1 heaped tsp salt
1 onion, thickly sliced
2 bay leaves
200ml chicken or beef stock
1 heaped tsp plain flour