The Emperor & 4 of Swords


The Emperor & 4 of Swords


  • Both The Emperor and the figure in the 4 of Swords are wearing armor and have long hair.

  • There is a clear connection to the number 4 in both cards. The Emperor is the 4th Major Arcana and the sword card is the 4th of its suit. The number 4 denotes stability, foundations, form, materiality, organization, boundaries etc.

  • Both figures are on top of a stone structure, though their positions differ. The 4 of Swords figure may even be a stone structure as they are undifferentiated from the casket in colour.

  • The Hebrew letter associated with The Emperor is Heh which means window. In the 4 of Swords, we can see a stained glass window in the top left corner.

  • There is an interesting link astrologically. The 4 of Swords belongs to the third decan of Libra, which is ruled by Jupiter. Though there isn't an obvious Jupiter connection in The Emperor, Jupiter is known as being a kind and benevolent leader, and that leader quality can be found in The Emperor. Jupiter is also linked to Chesed on the Tree of Life, which is the 4th sephiroth (another 4 connection).

  • Reason is a faculty of The Emperor and is also related to the swords suit, as Swords belong to Air which speaks to the mental realm, communication and intellect.

  • What do YOU see???

Possible Interpretation:

Powerful and effective leaders need to take time to reflect. Action needs to be balanced with careful consideration. When one is all action or all reflection, there is an imbalance. The best leaders know when the time to act is and when the time to stand down is. This takes wisdom and intuition. It means listening to our impulses as much as it is listening to our intuition and instincts (those are all subtly different forms of insight). It is possible to remain in control and rest. It is also possible to be totally organized, while not needing to micromanage everything. Give yourself and those around you some space to breath and you might just be surprised at how well things run without constant oversight!

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