What is Ganoderma tsugae var jannieae?

I have been asked at least a few thousand times. What is Ganoderma tsugae var jannieae? Isn't Ganoderma=Lingzhi? Well all of you are not wrong. Let me walk you through.

New species discovered

Wasser et al. (2006) published a study focused on the examination and comparison of wild growing samples of Ganoderma sp. from China, a fungus of the genus Ganoderma, which has very important medicinal properties as a producer of hundreds of biologically active substances.

A new variety given the name Ganoderma tsugae var. jannieae was described as new for science, revealed in natural collections from China.

The name is given in honour of Dr Jannie Chan, who has been most interested in the study of this very important medicinal species and for directing our attention to studying this very important taxon of genus Ganoderma from China.

Morphology and taxonomy

Examination and morphological analysis of the wild growing samples of Ganoderma sp. and their comparison with specimens of Ganoderma lucidum complex, including G. tsugae and G. resinaceum, showed that it is close to G. tsugae but differ in some features from the type of material of G. tsugae.

Certain specific features that G. tsugae var. jannieae has, differing it from type material on Ganoderma tsugae, was revealed. These characteristics are: (i) almost full absence of inflated skeletals in medullar tissues and poor expression (to absence) of white outer fleshy medullar tissue; (ii) more pronounced pillars and, consequently, finer spore ornamentation; (iii) slightly thicker spore wall; (iv) a consistently shorter and broader spore apex; (v) extremely poor expression of plate-like depressions of the spore surface. The medullar tissues are rather deep coloured. This material corresponds well to G. tsugae and also seems to gravitate to G. resinaceum, but sharply differs from the latter by smaller pores and thinner and softer context.

Book published

A book was published on the Ganoderma lucidum complex (Ganodermataceae, Polyporales) with special attention to the G. tsugae lineage of this complex.

The book provides a review of species subdivision concepts in G. lucidum complex with special attention to the conifer - inhabiting species, as with G. tsugae, G. valesiacum, and G. carnosum. All taxonomically valued, essential morphological structures are discussed. SEM researches show that spores in the G. tsugae lineage sharply differ from those in the G. lucidum conglomerate (incl. G. lucidum var. carnosum and G. lucidum var. valesiacum). A species key and descriptions of taxa of the G. lucidum complex, distributed in subtropical and temperate area of the Northern Hemisphere, are given. Special attention was also paid to Chinese material of G. tsugae, which was attributed to an independent variety - G. tsguae. var. jannieae, due to its deviating features in basidiocarp construction and basidiospore morphology.

Two patents have been granted to this new and distinct strain of Ganoderma mushroom, Ganoderma tsugae var. jannieae.

The First Patent

"New higher Basidiomycetes medicinal mushroom Ganoderma tsugae var. jannieae strain Tay-1 and biologically active biomass and extracts therefrom".

The first patent relates to the biomass and extracts of Ganoderma tsugae var. jannieae strain Tay-1 which are rich in nutriceutical agents and biologically active compounds including carbohydrates and proteins rich in essential amino acids and further comprising vitamins, lipids rich in essential fatty acids, antioxidant agents, minerals, melanin and free-radical scavenging agents.

The Second Patent

“Novel beta-glucans isolated from the higher Basidiomycetes medicinal mushroom Ganoderma tsugae var. jannieae”.

The second patent relates to the highly soluble in water novel ß-glucan that can be obtained from the fruiting bodies or the submerged cultivated mycelium biomass of the higher Basidiomycetes medicinal mushroom Ganoderma tsugae var. jannieae strain Tay-1 for use as nutriceuticals, dietary supplements, food products or beverages, cosmetic products, and for therapy.

I hope you have learned new things from this article.

Anndy Lian

Chief Marketing Officer

Scientific Tradition Pte Ltd


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(Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, dietitian nor nutritionist I do not claim to cure any cause, condition or disease. All information is intended only to help you cooperate with your doctor, in your efforts toward desirable weight levels and health. Only your doctor can determine what is right for you.You should always do what is right for your own personal life.)

Dato' Dr Jannie Chan



ANNDY thank you 🙏

Dr Sheryn Faith Lin

CEO at Faith International Group : FIG


Hi Anndy, Appreciated thanks on the shared info. Great week ahead.

Anndy Lian

Intergovernmental Blockchain Expert . Best Selling Book Author . Investor . Board Member . Keynote Speaker .


@Audrey, let me drop you a private message in a while.

Audrey Soon

Chief Financial Officer


Sounds like a good investment. Has you spoken to any medical MNC on this?

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