The Chariot (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day

“Overcoming inner conflict and taking control of your life.” 

The Chariot (Reversed) | Tarot Card

If the Chariot appears reversed,  it warns of indecision, which can rob you of feeling in control of your life’s direction.

This card will often accompany a feeling that you are being pulled in two opposite directions. Fear of committing to a choice can lead to a sense of being stuck. Avoidance of taking ownership of your life’s direction and making a choice will only make things feel more out of control. The Chariot driver reminds you that you are in the driver’s seat of your life. You get to choose whether to respond assertively or reactively to the situation confronting you. Once you make the choice you have been avoiding, you can reclaim your self-confidence and self-esteem.

Fear of failure, rejection, and change can all contribute to a lack of confidence in your decisions. Remember that mistakes and missteps are a natural part of the growth process. By avoiding making a decision, you are essentially giving up control of your life to outside circumstances. The Chariot is a reminder that you have the power to steer your life in the direction you want it to go.

It's time to recognize the self-doubt, face it head-on, and make a choice. Trust that you have the skills and abilities to navigate any challenges that may arise. The Chariot reversed can also indicate a lack of clarity or direction. Take some time to reflect on your goals and values. This will help you make a decision that is aligned with your authentic self. Once you make a choice, take action and move forward with confidence. Remember, even if the path ahead is uncertain, you have the ability to steer your own course.

Do you find yourself avoiding decisions that may lead to your happiness out of fear of failure?

Have you ever remained in negative situations due to the fear of an unknown future? Perhaps there is something you wish to alter in your life, but fear is holding you back?

The Chariot is led by two sphinxes, one black and one white, facing opposite directions, each symbolizing a potential future. The sphinx, a creature of mystery, represents the unknown. The Charioteer takes a risk and allows the sphinxes to guide him despite not knowing what lies ahead.

In the backdrop of the card, a massive castle is surrounded by stable walls, representing leaving the safety of home and venturing out into the world. A wide moat encircles the castle, symbolizing the need to avoid emotional decision-making, which often favors comfort over personal growth. The Chariot is draped in a veil with star imprints, signifying that the Charioteer can see the bigger picture, with his Higher Self directing his path.

Even though the Charioteer is still on the way to his objective, he is already crowned and carrying a scepter. He has already won by making the choice to embrace courage over the need for comfort, certainty, and security.

The Chariot advises us to take chances to better our lives, even if the outcome is uncertain. Choosing courage empowers us, making us winners even before we've achieved our goal.

The Chariot tells us that the only wrong decision for you at this time is making no decision at all.

Be bold and proactive. Take charge. Even when this card is reversed it reminds you that you still embody the powerful the qualities of the brave charioteer. The Great Mystery symbolized by the sphinxes will lead you to safety every time. You can still be victorious, but only if you have a horse in the race. There is no need to fear mistakes. Even if mistakes happen along the way, they will prove to be your best teachers. Success comes from action, not avoidance. Reclaim your personal power and make the decision you’ve been too scared to make!

Don't let fear hold you back when the Chariot appears reversed. Making no decision is the only wrong choice. Take control of your life and trust that mistakes are just opportunities for growth. Remember that you are still the powerful charioteer and victory is within reach.

The Chariot (Reversed) in a Love Reading

New Relationship

The reversed Charioteer can represent a love interest who is obsessed with appearing impenetrably confident. This may be a mask for an unacknowledged insecurity within. This card can also represent someone who retreats into his (or her) shell when he doesn’t understand his emotions. You can’t “make” the Charioteer reemerge. He must come to you.

Long Term Partnership

The Chariot reversed may describe a partner who feels they’ve lost control over their life’s direction. Although this person appears emotionally impenetrable, he or she is likely feeling extremely vulnerable. Discussing underlying issues compassionately may help them get back in the driver’s seat.

Seeking Romance

A past heartbreak may be tempting you to retreat behind fortified, impenetrable walls. Focus on pursuits that bolster your confidence. Physical activity can be one tool to help restore vitality and passion. Resist rushing into a rebound relationship to avoid feeling the discomfort of a past loss.

Looking to learn more? Discover The Chariot (Upright) meaning.


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