Justice (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day

“Restore your equilibrium.” 

Justice Reversed Tarot Card

When Justice appears reversed, she symbolizes periods when your life feels lopsided.

This sense of imbalance occurs when we are so focused on one part of our lives that we neglect other important aspects. Perhaps it’s time to step out of your routine to gain some clarity and perspective.

Justice is the archetype of honesty, which is essential for restoring balance and harmony.

Lady Justice grasps her mighty Sword of Truth. Her goal is to restore order and equilibrium, symbolized by the golden scales she holds in her left hand. The Justice figure in the tarot is not blindfolded. She sees the situations confronting her clearly. The sword she wields represents that assertive action is needed to cut away the source of our imbalance. Imbalance often occurs when we aren’t being one-hundred percent honest with ourselves. Lady Justice restores balance and clarity through facts.

Which area of your life is demanding too much of your energy?

What part of yourself could invest in to remedy this?

Take a moment to reflect on what you need more or less of. It may be uncomfortable, but it's important to speak your truth to yourself and others. The figure of Justice represents that inner voice within us that speaks the truth of a situation, even when it's inconvenient. When Justice appears, it's crucial to examine all the facts in an unbiased and neutral manner. It's important to remain neutral, setting aside emotions and expectations that can distort the truth. The gray pillars flanking Justice symbolize neutrality, and the squares on her neck and crown represent honesty and strong foundations.

Facing the truth may not be easy, but it's necessary for personal growth and development. Lady Justice encourages us to approach the source of our imbalance with impartiality and to weigh all the facts before making decisions. If we proceed with integrity and honesty, we'll find ourselves on a stable pathway towards happiness and success. If you've already been working on being honest with yourself, Lady Justice applauds your efforts and reminds you of the wonderful sensation of balance that comes from honesty. Other cards in your reading can indicate which areas of your life require honesty and integrity at this time.

Justice reversed can also appear in situations that seem unfair or unjust.

You may be tempted to blame someone or something for a sense of imbalance but ultimately, you are the one who is responsible for restoring order in your life. Not everything in life is fair. Sometimes you must make the best of what you are presented with and proceed with excellence regardless. The situation may not seem fair, but a larger Universal order and balance is always at work behind the scenes. This concept is known as the Law of Karma. Perhaps you need to detach from desire to teach someone a lesson. Step out of the drama and let Karma take care of it. If the source of the injustice originates from another person, they’ll reap what they sow eventually. Sometimes a seemingly unfair situation will illuminate how you are being unfair to yourself. Are you tolerating something that violates your personal honor code? Upright or reversed, Lady Justice supports you in taking a clear-eyed look at the facts to restore your personal power.

Justice (Reversed) in a Love Reading

New Relationship:

Justice reversed can signify a person who may lack honest, self-awareness. They may strive to keep up appearances. Avoiding reality can stunt their own opportunities for growth. Upright or reversed, Justice demands truth. Honesty, authenticity, and accountability must be added to your list of relationship non-negotiables.

Long Term Partnership

Justice reversed can represent a partner who habitually has difficulty being honest with themselves or others. This is not because they have nefarious motives, but rather, they feel terrified of facing a difficult truth they’ve avoided. Justice reversed can also signify a messy legal issue or an “elephant in the room” which must be confronted.

Seeking Romance

You may be trying to process an unjust situation that hit you in the heart. Life isn’t always fair and can send you circumstances that you didn’t deserve. If you attempt a new partnership while still feeling emotionally unbalanced; love may continue to elude you. Take the time to restore your equilibrium and reclaim your power. You won’t regret it.

Looking to learn more? Discover the Justice Upright meaning.


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