Nuphar japonica

Nuphar japonica

Nuphar japonica

Nuphar japonica

Family: Nymphaeaceae
Continent: Asia
Region: Asia
Country of origin:Japan
Height: 25-80 cm
Width: 20-50 cm
Light requirements: medium-very high
Temperature: 10-28 °C
Hardness tolerance: soft-hard
pH tolerance: 5-8
Growth: medium
Demands: difficult

A distinctive plant - light-green leaves with transparent sections in the
leaf margins. Most water lilies form floating leaves quickly, but Nuphar
can continue to form beautiful underwater leaves for many years.
The leaves rarely acquire an algae coating, probably because they contain
substances which prevent this. A nutritious bottom encourages growth. Often
mistakenly called ''Spatterdock''. A beautiful and distinctive solitary plant
for large aquariums.

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