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Addicted Aquarium

Narrow Leaf Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus “Narrow) (On wood)

Regular price $3.00 SGD
Regular price Sale price $3.00 SGD
Narrow Leaf Java Fern is relatively slow-growing, at least initially. It only requires low to moderate lighting and nutrient rich water, although its growth rate can be increased through CO2 injection/supplementation. It reproduces through rhizome division and the production of offshoot plantlets, and it thrives in most areas of the aquarium. Narrow Leaf Java Fern should not be planted with its rhizome (roots) buried in the substrate because it will rot and recede. Due to its thin leaves, it should not be housed with large crayfish, medium to large cichlids, goldfish, or any other animals that are prone to excessively picking at plants.